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  2. Events
  3. Videoconferencing Feature in Tradewing

Setting Up an Event with Video Meeting Feature

This article provides an overview of how to set up an event using the video meeting feature in Tradewing.

Scheduling a Meeting

Starting the Meeting

You can host your events directly on Tradewing, eliminating the need for external platforms. With built-in features for video conferencing, chat, and screen sharing, we provide an all-in-one space for your events where participants can register, engage, and connect without switching between different platforms.

At this time, the video meeting feature is exclusively available for simple events and cannot be used for sponsored or group events. We understand the importance of this functionality and are actively working to enhance it for a better user experience in the future.


Note: The video meeting feature is accessible on both desktop and mobile devices. However, please note that screen sharing is not supported on mobile devices, iPads, and notebooks.


To schedule and start a meeting using the Video Meet Feature, refer to the steps below.

Scheduling the Meeting

1) Log in to your Tradewing account and navigate to the admin site.



2) Select the "Events" tab located in the left corner of the screen, then click on the "Create an Event" button to proceed.



3) Select the option to "Create a Simple Event." Please note that the video meeting feature is exclusively available for simple events at this time.



4) Enter the Event Title, provide an engaging description that encourages participants to register, and upload a visually appealing banner image to enhance the event's attractiveness.



5) Specify the Start Date, End Date, and Time Zone for your event. In the Location Settings, select the Online Option, and choose "Video Meet On Tradewing" from the available Streaming Types.



6) Adjust the Registration Settings and Audience Settings to determine who can view and register for your event. Additionally, you can showcase your speakers and event sponsors by including their information in the event details. Proceed by saving the changes made.



7) Once you have saved the meeting, you will be taken to the event overview page. Review the details to ensure everything is accurate. If you are satisfied with the information provided, click the Publish button. This action will make the event visible to the users specified in your Audience Settings.



Starting the Meeting


1) Access the Events tab on the member site. As an admin, you are not required to register for the event to participate. Simply click on the "Join as Admin" button to enter the meeting.



2) Click "Join on Tradewing".



3) Your Event Title will be displayed on the screen. To proceed, simply click the "Join Meeting" button.



4) Before entering the meeting, you can choose to enable your camera and audio settings. Additionally, you have the ability to customize the name that will be displayed during the meeting.



5) Before joining the meeting, you have the option to configure your microphone, camera, and speaker settings to ensure optimal audio and visual quality. Additionally, you can also select a virtual background from the available options or by uploading your own custom background.



6) If you feel like you're all set for the meeting, you can click "Join Room" button.

Note: Once the event has started, attendees will see the "Join the Meeting" button become available. This means that participants can join the meeting even if you, as the host, have not yet entered.



7) Upon joining the meeting, you will be able to view all attendees who have already entered the session.