Updating User Role in Tradewing Admin Site

This article guides you on how to update a user's role in Tradewing from the admin site.

In Tradewing, users can hold various roles, but it is important to note that only admins have the authority to modify these roles. Learn more about the different user roles in Tradewing


1) Click your profile picture or initials in the top right corner of your home


Screenshot 25-10-2024 at 14.08


2) Click "Admin Site"


Screenshot 25-10-2024 at 14.09


3) Find and click the user whose role you want to change


Screenshot 25-10-2024 at 14.15


4) Click the three dots in the corner of the 'Account' box


Screenshot 25-10-2024 at 14.16


5) Click "Edit Account"


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6) Click the drop-down under Role


Screenshot 25-10-2024 at 14.18


7) Select the role you want to assign to the user


Screenshot 25-10-2024 at 14.19


8) Click "Save Changes"


Screenshot 25-10-2024 at 14.20