This article offers an overview of account status and its various types.
The Account Status reflects the standing of a user's account on the Tradewing platform. It differs from membership status as it solely pertains to the account created on Tradewing, regardless of whether there is an active membership. Four account statuses can be assigned to members: Not Invited, Invited, Active, and Deactivated.
- Not Invited refers to users who were added to Tradewing through a bulk import process but were not sent invitations to set up their accounts.
- Invited refers to users who have been added to Tradewing, whether through a manual entry or a bulk import. They also have received invitations to set up their accounts in their emails.
During the bulk import process, you have the option to enable a setting that automatically sends invitation emails to the newly added users.
When adding users manually, an invitation email is automatically dispatched to them. Additionally, you have the option to customize the content of the email that is sent.
The invitation will be sent to the email addresses of the users you have added.
- Active refers to users who have successfully set up their accounts on Tradewing. These users have clicked the 'Activate my account' link sent to them via email and completed the account setup process. They may or may not have a membership, but they will be referred to as 'Logged In Users' on the platform. Active users can log in to their Tradewing accounts and set up their profiles, but their access depends on their membership status.
- Deactivated refers to users whose accounts are no longer active. These users are unable to log in to Tradewing. However, they will still appear in user lists generated through exports or within the People tab. While admins can deactivate user accounts, only the Support Team can permanently delete accounts, removing them entirely from your user list. Contact Support Team if you want assistance in deleting accounts