This article explains Opt-Ins and how Tradewing adheres to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to guarantee that the process of collecting leads from sponsors aligns with established privacy policies.
Sponsors within Tradewing have three methods to collect leads from association members: by clicking the "Request a Demo" button, following the sponsor's page, or signing up for a sponsored event. As this process involves gathering personal information from members, the Tradewing team has diligently ensured that all activities comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
When members click the "Request a Demo" button on the sponsor's page, a pop-up will appear prompting them to enter their personal information.
If members consent to sharing their personal information with sponsors, they must provide their First Name, Last Name, and Email address. Members may choose to skip providing their Phone Number, Company, and Job Title, as these fields are optional.
Once members have completed the required fields, they will be prompted to select the "I agree" button to continue. This action confirms that the member consents to the sharing of their personal information with the sponsor.
When members choose to follow the sponsor's page, they will receive a pop-up notification requesting their consent to share their contact details with the sponsors.
The pop-up provides clear information about what agreeing to share their contact details entails. It outlines how the sponsors may use their information, including sending updates, promotional offers, and other business-related communications. Additionally, it assures members that their data will only be shared with the specific sponsor they are consenting to follow.
If members choose not to consent, they cannot follow the sponsor's page.
Members can easily review the sponsors they have followed and any demo requests they have submitted by accessing their Profile Settings. Simply click on "Edit your Profile".
Next, click on the Privacy tab located in the left-hand menu of the screen.
Click the "Opt Ins" tab under Privacy. Members will be able to see the demo requests they sent to associations.
Members have the option to revoke their consent at any time. By clicking this button, their personal information will be removed from the sponsor's lead list.
All sponsors that members have chosen to follow will also be listed in this section.
Members can choose to follow these sponsors at any time, which will consequently remove their personal information from the sponsor's lead list.