This article guides you on how to post messages in groups that you are a member of.
Members can post in a group on Tradewing using two different methods. The first method is similar to posting in the general community.
1) Click on the "Post a message to the community" option found under the Community tab on the Tradewing platform.
This will take you to a new interface where you can choose the type of post you want to create, including options for a message, question, poll, or article.
2) Choose which type of post would you like to publish
When creating a message or article, you must include both a title and the content of your post. You can also add attachments like files and images in your post for more context, or to attract their attention.
For questions, you can provide a title containing the question, as well as additional context in the description to clarify your inquiry.
When setting up a poll, you can include as many options as you wish for participants to choose from.
However, instead of selecting the "General" option, which includes all members of the association, you will choose the name of the group where you want the post to appear.
The other method is to navigate to the Groups tab located in the left sidebar.
3) Click on the group on the left sidebar where you want to post.
Clicking the group will redirect you to the group itself, where you will find a dedicated space for discussions and interactions among group members. Here, you can view existing posts, comments, and any ongoing conversations that are relevant to the group's focus.
4) Locate the "Post a message to the community" option within the group interface. Choose which type of post you wish to make, and add the necessary details.
5) The name of the group will be automatically displayed, so you do not need to select it from a drop-down menu.Thus, once you're done with the content, just proceed with finalizing the post by clicking the "Post Now" button.