Posting in the Community

This article discusses how to post messages, articles, questions, and polls in the community and groups.

Types of Posts in the Community

How do I create posts in the community?


Types of Posts in the Community

As a member of an association on the Tradewing platform, you have the opportunity to engage with others by posting messages, posing questions, and creating articles for wider sharing. You might choose to post in order to share valuable insights that could benefit fellow members, seek answers to your inquiries, or make important announcements.

The following are the different types of posts you can create in the community:

  • Message - This feature enables members to quickly share updates, thoughts, or information with the community. We recommend using this for sharing experiences, posting notifications, making announcements, and promoting events. 
  • Question - This feature allows members to ask specific questions and receive answers from others in the community. We recommend using this for inquiring, asking others' opinions, and seeking advice or recommendations on a particular topic. 
  • Poll -  This feature allows members to post prompts where others can vote and view the results. We recommend using this for gathering opinions, surveying preferences, or making decisions on a particular subject.
  • Article - This feature allows members to share in-depth content, such as detailed write-ups, research articles, and guides that provide value to the community. We recommend using this for sharing expertise, offering insights on specific topics, and informing others with well-researched and thoughtful content.


How do I create posts in the community?

Typically, a post created in the community will appear in the feed of other members. However, who can view these posts depends on the privacy settings set by the admin. For example, the post can be configured to be visible to the general public, specific users, or only community members.To create a post in the community, simply follow the following steps:


1) Click on the "Post a message to the community" option found under the Community tab on the Tradewing platform. 



This will take you to a new interface where you can choose the type of post you want to create, including options for a message, question, poll, or article. 



2) Choose which type of post would you like to publish


When creating a message or article, you must include both a title and the content of your post. You can also add attachments like files and images in your post for more context, or to attract their attention.




For questions, you can provide a title containing the question, as well as additional context in the description to clarify your inquiry.


When setting up a poll, you can include as many options as you wish for participants to choose from. 


3) After you have entered the title and the content, select the option labeled "Posting in General." This will enable your post to be visible in the main feed for all members of the online community to see.



4) You can then click on the "Post Now" button to publish your content.




5) This is how your post will look on the community site. Members will be able to view these posts and interact by liking or commenting their thoughts.