How to hide and unhide a group

This article walks you through hiding and unhiding groups on Tradewing.

Groups that were created on Tradewing cannot be permanently deleted. However, you can designate groups as hidden if you wish to remove them from visibility. This will ensure that the group does not appear on the member site and members cannot access its contents.

Hidden groups will only be accessible to designated admins of an association.

The reason groups cannot be permanently deleted is to preserve valuable resources, posts, and files that might be useful in the future for associations.


1) Click on your profile picture or initials.



2) Click "Admin Site"



3) Click "Community"



4) Click "Groups"



5) Select the Group you would like to hide.



6) Click "Hide"



7) You'll notice it now says "hidden" next to the group name. Click "All Groups" to go back to the groups page in the admin site.



8) From there, click the tab labeled "Hidden"



9) You will now see your hidden group under this tab.



10) You can "unhide" your group at any time by clicking the button "Unhide."