This article walks you through how to deactivate a membership type in Tradewing.
Associations that do not utilize an external Association Management System (AMS) can easily create different membership types within Tradewing. During the registration process, members will select one of these membership types to join. Additionally, administrators have the capability to assign specific membership types to individual members during the import using the Comma Separated Values (CSV) file.
Membership types on Tradewing cannot be permanently deleted; instead, they can be deactivated by admins to ensure that they are no longer visible to members.
1) Click on your profile icon or initials
2) Navigate to the Admin Site
3) Click on the Membership Types section under the Membership tab
4) Select the name of the membership type you want to deactivate
5) Click on the ellipses
6) Select "Deactivate Membership"
7) A color green pop-up will show at the bottom of your screen indicating that the membership was successfully deactivated. A greyed-out box with the word "Inactive" will also appear beside the membership name. You have now successfully deactivated a membership type.