How to add a membership type

This article explains the two membership types on Tradewing and the steps on how to create membership types.

Individual Membership Type

Corporate Membership Type


Individual Membership Type

Individual Membership Types are designed for individuals who wish to purchase their memberships independently. This option is ideal for individuals who are not affiliated with a corporate membership that provides access to Tradewing as a benefit to its employees.


1) Click on your profile icon or initials


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2) Go to the Admin Site


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3) Click on Membership Types under Membership


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4) Click on Add Membership Type on the upper-right-hand corner


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5) Select "Individual Membership"


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6) Fill out each field, particularly, the required fields that are marked with a red asterisk (*)


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7) Click "Create"


Screenshot 18-11-2024 at 09.56


8) Your individual membership type is now active


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Corporate Membership Type

Corporate Membership Types are designed for individuals who gain access to the Tradewing community and platform through a subscription provided by their employer. With corporate memberships, the subscription fees are billed directly to the companies. Members are added by the company account owner or the designated company page admin.


1) Follow steps 1 to 4 under Individual Membership Type


2) Select Corporate Membership


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3) Fill out each field, particularly, the required fields that are marked with a red asterisk (*)


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4) Input the number of seats desired. This pertains to the number of users that can inherit membership benefits from your company. You can also opt to have unlimited seats.


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5) Click "Create"


Screenshot 18-11-2024 at 09.56


6) Your corporate membership type is now active


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