How to Find Posts in the Community

This article explains how to find posts, events, and resources in the community by utilizing the search feature and tags.

Using the Search Feature

Using Tags


Members' posts are displayed in the community feed. Navigating through all posts to locate specific discussions, events, or resources shared by individuals can be cumbersome. Therefore, Tradewing provides an efficient search feature that enables users to quickly find previous posts, events, and resources. 


If you need to find a person, event, resource, or post, click on the magnifier icon. The search bar at the top of the page lets you search for people, events, resources, or posts within the Tradewing platform. This is useful for finding specific contacts, upcoming events, or relevant posts made by members.



Type your query into the top search bar to see relevant members, sponsors, posts, events, files and more. To see all search results, click "See All"



Click on a particular user or post to learn more and to open the post or user's profile.



Following Tags

1) Log into Tradewing and navigate to the left handrail on the home page, then click "Tags."



2) Click to "follow" or "unfollow" from the list of tags available. Following bumps that tag to the top of the tags list where you can easily access it, and subscribes you to notifications from that tag.



3) You can also click on a tag to view all posts tagged with that topic.



4) You can also access a tag by clicking on it directly from a post.




Creating a Post Using Tags

1) When creating a post, Click "Select Tags" to add topics to your post.



2) Click on all tags that apply to your post from the dropdown, or search tags with the search bar.



3) To de-select a tag, click on it again.



4) Click outside of the window to close the dropdown tag list, and click "Post Now" to publish your post.