Errors in Importing Users

This article explains the different errors that admins typically encounter when conducting CSV Bulk Imports for users or companies in their association

The bulk import button serves two primary functions: it allows you to insert new users and update the information of existing users. This feature is particularly advantageous for importing a significant number of new users whose details are compiled in a CSV file, or even just their names and email addresses, which can help initiate their profiles in Tradewing. Additionally, it facilitates the efficient updating of information for multiple existing users. The bulk import function is designed to enhance efficiency in managing user information and uploading it into your instance. However, you may encounter some errors during the import process, which can arise from how the system interprets the information provided. The following table will outline these potential errors in detail.


Note: If you encounter an error that cannot be found below, don't hesitate to reach out to for assistance.




Why it happens


A username or email must be provided

At least one unique identifier must be provided.


Failed to send vendor invitation email to user: ${newUser._id}

The user account has been successfully created; however, there was an issue sending the invitation to join the platform. You can resend the invitation through the admin site.


Another user already exists with this match field

An existing user is associated with the provided email or username, preventing the creation of a new account. Another email or username must be used to create another user.


Matching field ${foreignKey} missing on user

foreignKey here is either Email, Username, or Integration Id. One must be provided to perform an update.


Could not find user with matchField ${foreignKey}

No user was found that corresponds with the provided input, which means that an update could not be performed.


Failed to send vendor invitation email to user: ${foundUser._id}

The user has been updated; however, if the user is not active or has been deactivated, the invitation to join the platform could not be sent. You have the option to resend this invitation through the admin site.


Failed to send invitation email to new user: ${foundUser._id}

The user was updated, and though the user is not active or deactivated, an invitation to join the platform could not be sent. This can be resent in the admin site.

Import, Update

Membership type of name ${membershipType} not found

A “Membership Type” field was included, but there was no membership type that matched that name (case insensitive).

Import, Update

Membership term start date must be in MM/DD/YYYY or M/D/YYYY format

The field “Membership Term Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)” has specific formats that we recognize, and it was not in one of those as stated in the error.

Import, Update

Membership term end date must be in MM/DD/YYYY or M/D/YYYY format

The field “Membership Term End Date (MM/DD/YYYY)” has specific formats that we recognize, and it was not in one of those as stated in the error.

Import, Update

Member since date must be in MM/DD/YYYY or M/D/YYYY format

The field “Member Since (MM/DD/YYYY)” has specific formats that we recognize, and it was not in one of those as stated in the error.

Import, Update

Membership term end date cannot be before the current date

We do not allow imports of memberships wholly in the past, so “Membership Term End Date (MM/DD/YYYY)” cannot be a date in the past.

Import, Update

Membership term end date cannot be before membership term start date

The date in the “Membership Term End Date (MM/DD/YYYY)” field was earlier than the “Membership Term Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)” field.

Import, Update

Cannot import a membership with a past start date that requires payment

The “Payment Due” field is not required, and defaults to true if not present. This indicates that “Payment Due” was either set to true/yes or was not present, and “Membership Term Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)” was a date in the past. All non-future memberships must be paid immediately, so this is not allowed.

Import, Update

Member since date cannot be after membership term start date

The date in the “Membership Since (MM/DD/YYYY)” field was earlier than the “Membership Term Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)” field. Note that the “Membership Since (MM/DD/YYYY)” field is not required, and if not present, will not hit this error.

Import, Update

Must have a membership term start date when including a membership type

“Membership Type” field was included, but no “Membership Term Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)” data was present.

Import, Update

Membership fields cannot be used without activating the Member Management module

At least one of the member management-related fields was included, but the customer does not have member management enabled. Possible fields are “Membership Type”, “Membership Term Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)”, “Membership Term End Date (MM/DD/YYYY)”, “Member Since (MM/DD/YYYY)”, “Payment Due”.

Import, Update

Membership Type must be included when membership fields are included

Input included one or more of the following member management-related fields, but not the “Membership Type” field: “Membership Term Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)”, “Membership Term End Date (MM/DD/YYYY)”, “Member Since (MM/DD/YYYY)”, “Payment Due”.

Import, Update

Column with name 'Membership Term End Date (MM/DD/YYYY)' must be included when importing membership fields

Input included one or more of the following member management-related fields, but not the “Membership Term End Date (MM/DD/YYYY)” column.: "Membership Type", “Membership Term Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)”, “Member Since (MM/DD/YYYY)”, “Payment Due”.

Import, Update

Sponsor ${sponsorName} does not exist. Set toggle to create new sponsors when doing import to create sponsors.

The input included the “Sponsor name” field, but the option to create new sponsors was not selected. As a result, the name provided in the “Sponsor name” field did not match any previously created sponsors.