Create Webpages from Templates

This is a step-by-step guide to navigate through the website builder to create pages for your tabs in the member site

1) Navigate to the admin site, and click on "Website" from the lefthand menu and then click on "Open Editor" to start editing your website.


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2) To begin creating a new page, click on "Add a New Page." You will then have the option to choose between starting with an empty page or utilizing an existing template to guide your design.


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3) As you continue, locate the section labeled "Choose a Template." Here, you will find three distinct options available for selection: Blog, Mixed Content, and Home.


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4) Select the template you'd like to use.


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5) Provide the name for your page and customize the URL slug accordingly. The URL slug will serve as the identifier in the web address linked to your newly created webpage.


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6) You have the ability to customize the privacy setting by selecting who can view the page (Public, Logged in Users only, or Members only).


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7) Click "Add Page"


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8) Click on the components from the lefthand side to edit the webpage template's content. You can also click the "x" to remove any components you don't end up using, or click "add a new component" to add new page sections.


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9) Once you are satisfied with how your page looks like, and which groups you wish to include in the template of your page, you can finalize all changes by clicking on "Publish".